Prior to visiting us it is an idea to look at other memorial stones in the cemetery, in this way you can see what looks good to you and how different colours in the stone/granite look with different types of engraving and the options for the layout of the inscription. It can also give you ideas for the wording.

Cemeteries have requirements and regulations as to what is allowed. If the plot is in a lawn cemetery then a headstone and base will be suitable, there are standard shapes and sizes or you can be more individual in your design, remember you may be directed by the cemetery’s regulations as to your choice. To find out you can check with the Cemetery Trust or ask us.

There is no ‘right’ time to start the process. It is a very personal and individual task and the timing, design and features are a matter of personal choice. When it feels right, it is right.

The price will vary with the type of stone you choose, the engraving (how many letters and the type of lettering) , the design and accessories. We give a no obligation quote and discount to seniors and pensioners. The best advice if you are in doubt as to whether you are being asked to pay a ‘fair’ price is to get more than one quote. Look at the workmanship, once again take note of the work in cemeteries as shown by the supplier’s name plate on the monuments. You decide who offers value for money.

There is no ‘right or wrong’ when making your choice. The words should reflect your feelings about your loved one as well as who they were. Sometimes it helps to look at what others have chosen. We will help you with this process and have a collection of examples for you to use as inspiration. You don’t have to get it ‘just right’ the first go, we will send you draft layouts and work with you to make changes until it is ‘just right’, this is a process we will guide you through giving all the help you need.

All cemeteries charge a fee, the amount will depend upon the cemetery itself and the type of monument and work that is being done. We will advise you of this and it is listed in our initial quote.

Whilst we will do our best to have your memorial completed as soon as possible, it can depend on a variety of factors. The availability of the stone you choose, whether it is a standard design or individualised, whether we have it in stock, and sometimes even the weather can impact on the time it takes.